Thinking about the ways textiles plays apart in my life and my family. I wanted to weave as a way to document imagery of my family and objects associated from my memories. All were woven on the TC-2 loom (thank you praxis for the opportunity!).

Azizi was always sitting on the couch reading the quran by the window. Sometimes I would hear chirping birds from his phone ringtone and he would listen to the birds before picking up his phone.

I recently found out that Mummia is a weaver as well. Its funny how I didn’t know this fact and yet I found weaving to feel very intuitive to me. I’ve only seen one work from her which is a wool blanket she wove for us as a parting gift. This piece is dedicated to her.

Doljanchi is a baby’s first birthday, a big milestone back in the day when infant mortaility rates were high. There is significant meaning to each item that is placed on the table to wish the best life for the baby. The colorful ricecakes symbolize getting along with all different kinds of people and surroundings, fruit represented prosperity and dates symbolize future children and a happy life for the entire family.

As a kid I used to sit on my dad’s lap after he was almost done praying. I like to think that him and Azizi would pray together too when he was young.
Down the Shore
Down the Shore

Wrap, Carry and Store

Thinking about my mom’s care in holding clothes that she brought with her from Korea and passing it down to us or have us wear on special occasions. She would keep them wrappped in a silk bojagi stored under the bed.